Our beautiful, air conditioned restaurant is open every day, from 12” to 14” and from 18” 30 to 21″00′(Close on wednesday) 100 persons can take place there.

On the menu, you will be seduced by our typically French cuisine and by the varied choice of our menus.

All this, into a price level from 17,95 € to 59,00 € per person.


Dish of the day at 21,95€ (weekdays),
Lunch menu (2 services) at 28,95€ (weekdays),
Menu suggestions (3 services) at 52.00€,
Meals from the menu card 7.50€ to 59,00€.


Local or organic producers

La truite Fumée d'Ondenval


la boucherie Gérome à Sart

Les Huiles d'olives Bio Daphne

Le Safran de Gouvy

Fromagerie le Sarté

Saumon fumé artisanal Malmedy

Café le Gourmet